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Green PIN is a Contact Centre IVR based, instant and secure PIN generation service for all MTB Cards.

Anytime & Anywhere, a Cardholder can generate PIN for his/her new card, change the old PIN as well as reset the old PIN in case he/she has forgotten.

Cardholders no longer need to visit any MTB premises to place requests for PIN, nor do they have to wait for PIN after placing the request; they will get their desired PIN instantly.

Fraud risk for Green PIN is minimal as customer’s identity is verified and entire conversation is recorded in the system.

PIN generation is just a call away! Call MTB 24/7Contact Centre @ 16219 to set your PIN.

How to generate MTB Green Pin

Frequently Asked Questions

Q-1. What is MTB Green PIN?

MTB Green PIN is an instant and secure card PIN generation process by cardholder himself through Contact Centre IVR for all types of cards issued by MTB.
It enables valued cardholder to Generate, Reset and Change card PIN anytime from anywhere at his/her convenience.

This is a paperless “Go Green & Save the Planet,” initiative to live better.

Q-2.What are the services offered by MTB Green PIN Service to valued MTB cardholders?

Following three card PIN related services are offer for valued MTB cardholders:

  • New card PIN Generation
  • Forgotten card PIN Reset
  • Card PIN Change

Now customers can Generate and Change their Card PIN instantly from IVR without the help of Customer Service Executive if they have TPIN and calling from Registered Mobile Number

If customers do not have TPIN, they can also Generate or Change Card PIN by calling from their Registered Mobile Number with the help of Customer Service Executive.

Q-3. Is there any fees and charges for card PIN Generation, Reset and Change?

No fees and charges will be incurred for new card PIN generation, forgotten card PIN reset
and existing card PIN change, this services are absolutely Free of Cost (FOC) for valued MTB

Particulars Fees & Charges
New Card PIN Generation Free of Cost
Forgotten Card PIN Reset Free of Cost
Card PIN Change Free of Cost
Q-4. What should be the account and card status to avail Green PIN services?

To avail Green PIN services, account and card must be in active status. Accounts and cards which are not in active status, will not be able to avail Green PIN services until the accounts and cards are in active service.

Q-5. Can customer call from any number (Mobile, BTCL, IP based phone, VOIP) to avail MTB Green PIN service?

No. It is mandatory to call from Registered Mobile Number to avail MTB Green PIN Services.

Q-6 How long it will take for card PIN Generation, Reset and Change MTB Green PIN?

Customers can Generate and Change their Card PIN instantly from IVR if they have TPIN and calling from Registered Mobile Number.

If customers do not have TPIN, they can also Generate or Change Card PIN by calling from their Registered Mobile Number with the help of Customer Service Executive.
A Cardholder will be able to do It from Anywhere, Anytime At his/her Convenience by Calling MTB 24/7 Contact Centre.

Q-7. Can customer generate new PIN for his multiple cards just in one call or customer needs to make separate calls?

If you have TPIN, you can generate or change multiples card PINs in a single call.

If you do not have TPIN, through a single call you can generate PIN for only one card

Q-8. Can customer avail MTB Green PIN services for his supplementary card(s) or supplementary cardholder needs to call for this?

As a valued primary cardholder, you can avail MTB Green PIN services for your supplementary card(s) if your mobile number is registered against that card(s) too. In case of different registered mobile number for the supplementary card(s), respective supplementary cardholder(s) need to call our MTB 24/7 Contact Centre to avail the service.

Q-9. Is there any time and limit related restrictions regarding generating, reset or change card PIN?

As per policy, a cardholder can change his/her Card PIN Maximum 3 times in a day.

Q-10. Can customer Generate, Reset or Change the card PIN of his Virtual Card tagged with his MTB Internet Banking?

Card PIN Generation, Reset or Change is not applicable/required for any virtual card issued by MTB.

Virtual Card is only for QR based payment at merchant outlets and not enabled to do physical card based transaction at POS and ATM terminals.

Q-11. Can customer get paper-based card PIN as previous?

Customer must avail MTB Green PIN services as MTB already discontinued paper based PIN production.

Q-12. Customer does not have/use smartphone, can he avail MTB Green PIN services?

Yes, Customer can avail MTB Green PIN service. As it is an IVR based service. A valued cardholder can avail the service by calling from his/her registered mobile number

Q-13. Can customer avail MTB Green PIN services on behalf of his Friends or Family if they are unable to take the service by themselves?

No, customer will not be able to avail the service on behalf of someone else as this a violation of card and information security. Individual cardholder needs to call to our 24/7 Contact Centre from his/her registered mobile number to avail MTB Green PIN services.

We strongly advised our customers not to share their TPIN, Card PIN and OTP with anyone. For any fraudulent transaction(s) to happen because of sharing TPIN/Card PIN/OTP by the customer himself/herself, that customer has to take the responsibility of that transaction(s).

Q-14. Will customer’s card be blocked for any wrong attempt while generating new card PIN, card PIN reset or change?

In case of 3 (three) consecutive wrong attempts for any mentioned MTB Green PIN services, the card will be blocked temporarily for your card security purpose. You can reactivate the temporarily blocked card by calling to our 24/7 Contact Centre from your registered mobile number anytime.

Q-15. I am now in abroad, can I avail MTB Green PIN Services?

If your registered mobile number is in Roaming mode and with you, you can get the services by calling from your roaming registered mobile number.