Nasreen Sattar

Independent Director

Ms. Nasreen Sattar is an Independent Director of Mutual Trust Bank PLC (MTB) and Independent Director of the bank’s subsidiaries, MTB Securities Ltd. (MTBSL) and MTB Capital Ltd. (MTBCL). Prior to joining MTB, she was an Independent Director and Member of Executive Committee & Audit Committee of IPDC Finance Limited – IPDC is a Non-Banking Financial Institution with foreign and local Institutional investors including Government of Bangladesh.

Ms. Sattar began her banking career with ANZ Grindlays Bank, Bangladesh as a Management Trainee Officer, in 1986, where she served for 6 years in various roles, including the Head of Institutional Banking. In the year 2007, she joined Standard Chartered Bank, where she took various important roles, including the Regional Head for Development Organizations for South Asia.

Prior to joining CONSUMARK, a niche service provider in the areas of Human Resource Management, and Outsourced Services, she was the Chief Executive Officer of Standard Chartered Bank, Afghanistan.

During her service in Standard Chartered Bank, Afghanistan as a Chief Executive Officer, she managed challenges of security, volatility in nascent financial markets, with limited options for revenue generation and developed local staff, created retention culture. She, in line with Standard Chartered Bank Group Policy, also developed local resources to replace senior level expatriate jobs. She, as a member of Afghanistan Bank Association (ABA), assisted Central Bank (DAB) with anti-money laundering issues and other financial sector issues. During her service in Standard Chartered Bank, Afghanistan, she successively attained Camel Rating 1 for two years by Central Bank Audit Inspection.

In 2012 Standard Chartered Bank sold its business in Afghanistan to a leading local bank – Afghanistan International Bank (AIB). She was invited by Afghanistan International Bank (AIB) to join a team of International Consultants on a short-term assignment for three months to help integration/transition of business from Standard Chartered to AIB and in skills development for the latter institution.