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MTB's commitments towards sustainability

The Bank is fully aware of its role as a provider of financial services to support growth and economic well-being of its clients. The development of this Policy is a further demonstration of the MTB’s commitment towards supporting an environmental protection and social quality culture in both its own operations and in lending it provides. The bank is strongly committed to:

  • recognise sustainable development as a corporate commitment, sound business management and an integral part of its pursuit of good corporate citizenship;
  • be an environmentally responsible business by minimising the environmental impact of its operations and acting promptly to reduce or respond to incidents that endanger health, safety or the environment;
  • enhance its system for identifying and assessing environmental and social risks as a part of the normal process of risk assessment and management by incorporating the latest requirements of Bangladesh Bank and international best practice standards and tools to manage these issues
  • collaborate and influence the clients of the Bank to comply with the environmental, health and safety and labor issues regulations and to undertake resource efficiency activities through rigorous programs;
  • ensure proper due diligence is conducted of and mitigation measures imposed on the clients whose business activities don't meet the Bank's environmental and social requirements;
  • ensure that the management, employees and clients understand the policy commitments made by the Bank in this area;
  • include regular trainings on environmental and social risk and the relevant issues in the Bank's training & development program.

MTB’s Action Plan for Sustainable Banking

An info-graphic/SmartArt of the following:

  • Establishment of SFD

  • Policy Formulation

  • Green,Products Green Finance and Green Marketing

  • Corporate Philanthropy

  • Training & Raising Awarness

  • Monitoring Coordinating & Implementation

  • Disclosure & Reporting

  • Eligibility Screening of Loan Application (Exclusion List)

  • Categorizing Transaction by using E&S risk assessment tool E&S due diligence

  • E&S due diligence

  • E&S Risk Rating

  • Corrective Action Plan and Covenants

  • Credit Proposal review and managing E&S risks

  • Credit Proposal approval

  • Post-disbursement monitoring

Production or trade in any product or activity deemed illegal under host country laws or regulations or international conventions and agreements, or subject to international bans, such as pharmaceuticals, pesticides/herbicides, ozone depleting substances, PCB's, wildlife or products regulated under the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES).

United Nations (UN) list of banned chemicals and products

CITES list of endangered species

Ship breaking/ trading activities which include:

  • Ships with prevalent asbestos use (for e.g. passenger cruise);
  • Ships listed on the Greenpeace blacklist*;
  • Ships not certified “gas free” for hot work

Drift net fishing, deep sea bottom trawling, or fishing with the use of explosives or cyanide

Operations impacting UNESCO World Heritage Site and/or Ramsar site

Illegal logging, and logging operations or conversion of land for plantation use in primary tropical moist forests

Production or activities involving forced labour/ child labour

Production or trade in:

  • Weapons and munitions
  • Tobacco
  • Gambling, casinos
  • Pornography (goods/stores/web-based)

Production or activities that impinge on the lands owned, or claimed under adjudication,by Indigenous Peoples, without full documented consent of such peoples