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MTB Interest Rates on Deposit

Effective from January 01, 2021

No. Types of Deposit Interest Rate
1 Savings Deposits a) Regular Up to 2.00%
b) NRB Up to 2.00%
2 Special Notice Deposits (SND) Below BDT 10.00 million 1.25%
BDT 10.00 million to below BDT 250.00 million 1.50%
BDT 250.00 million to below BDT 500.00 million 1.75%
BDT 500.00 million to below BDT 1.00 billion 2.00%
BDT 1.00 billion and above 2.50%

Interest Rates on MTB Fixed Deposit (Retail Customer)

Effective from September 02, 2024

Particulars Less than 50 Lac 50 Lac to Less than 1 Crore 1 crore above
1 Month 3.50% 4.00% 4.50%
2 Months 4.00% 4.50% 5.00%
3 Months 7.75% 8.00% 8.25%
6 Months 8.00% 8.25% 8.50%
9 Months 8.00% 8.25% 8.50%
1 Year 8.00% 8.25% 8.50%
2 Years 8.00% 8.25% 8.50%
3 Years 8.00% 8.25% 8.50%

Interest Rates on FDR in Days (Retail Customer)

Effective from September 02, 2024

Particulars Less than 50 Lac 50 Lac to Less than 1 Crore 1 crore above
100- Days 7.75% 8.00% 8.25%
210- Days 8.00% 8.25% 8.50%
365- Days 8.00% 8.25% 8.50%

Effective from September 02, 2024

Particulars Less than 1 Crore 1 crore above
91-Days 8.50% 8.75%
181-Days 8.75% 9.00%
270-Days 8.75% 9.00%
364-Days 8.75% 9.00%

Also applicable for MTB Angona customers

Interest Rates on FDR (Corporate Customer)

Effective from November 09,2023

Particular Less than 1 Crore 1 Crore to Less than 5 Crore 5 Crore and Above
1 month 2.00% 2.50% 3.00%
2 months 2.75% 3.25% 3.75%
3 months 5.00% 5.50% 6.00%
6 months 5.25% 5.75% 6.25%
9 months 5.50% 6.00% 6.50%
1 year 5.50% 6.00% 6.50%
2 years 5.50% 6.00% 6.50%
3 years 5.50% 6.00% 6.50%

Interest Rates on FDR in Days (Corporate Customer)

Effective from November 16,2023

Particular Less than 50 Lac 50 Lac to Less than 1 Crore 1 Crore to Less than 3 Crore 3 Crore to Less than 5 Crore 5 Crore to Less than 10 Crore 10 Crore and Above
91-Days 6.50% 6.75% 7.00% 7.25% 7.50% 7.75%
181-Days 6.75% 7.00% 7.25% 7.50% 7.75% 8.25%
270-Days 6.75% 7.00% 7.25% 7.50% 7.75% 8.25%
364-Days 7.00% 7.25% 7.50% 7.75% 8.00% 8.50%

Above rate is not applicable for deposit from other Banks and/or NBFIs

SME Interest Rates on Deposit

Product Name Product Name Rate of Interest

Interest Rates on MTB Buniad for SME Customers

Effective from February 02, 2022

Particular Less than 1 Crore 1 Crore to Less than 5 Crore 5 Crore and above
1 Month 1.25% 1.75% 2.25%
2 Month 2.25% 2.75% 3.25%
3 Month 3.50% 4.00% 4.50%
6 Month 3.75% 4.00% 4.50%
9 Month 3.75% 4.00% 4.50%
1 Year 4.00% 4.25% 4.75%
2 Year 4.00% 4.25% 4.75%
3 Year 4.00% 4.25% 4.75%

Above rate is not applicable for deposit from other Banks and/or NBFIs

Interest rates on retail savings Account

Effective from January 01, 2021

Product Name Deposit Slab ( Day End Balance) Rate
MTB Inspire Below BDT 0.1 million 1.75%
BDT 0.1 million to less than BDT 0.5 million 2.00%
BDT 0.5 million to less than BDT 1.0 million 2.25%
BDT 1.0 million and above 2.50%
MTB Angona General Savings Account Up to BDT 0.5 million 2.00%
Above BDT 0.5 million to BDT 2.0 million 2.25%
Above BDT 2.0 million 2.50%
MTB AngonaPremium Account Any Amount 2.50%
MTB Senior Below BDT 0.1 million 1.75%
BDT 0.1 million to less than BDT 0.5 million 2.00%
BDT 0.5 million to less than BDT 1.0 million 2.25%
BDT 1.0 million and above 2.50%
MTB Junior Any Amount 2.50%
MTB Graduate Up to BDT 20,000 1.75%
Above BDT 20,000 to BDT 50,000 2.00%
Above BDT 50,000 2.50%
Privilege Savings Up to BDT 0.5 million 1.75%
Above BDT 0.5 million to BDT 1.5 million 2.00%
Above BDT 1.5 million to BDT 2.5 million 2.25%
Above BDT 2.5 million 2.50%
MTB Sanchay Any Amount 2.50%
MTB Ankur Any Amount 2.50%
MTB Care Any Amount 2.50%
MTB Extreme Any Amount 2.25%

MTB Payroll Account

Effective from January 01, 2021

Product Name Rate
MTB Payroll Premium 2.50%
MTB Payroll Savers 2.25%
MTB Payroll E-Savers 2.00%

Lending Rates on Corporate Loans & Advances

Effective from May 09, 2024

Product Name /Categories Mid-Rate
(Range ± 1.00%)
Lending to Large Scale Industries
a) Term Loan 13.00%
b) Lease Finance 13.50%
c) Working Capital 13.50%
d) Others 13.50%
Middle Market (Corporate) 13.50%
a) Term Loan 13.00%
b) Lease Finance 13.50%
c) Working Capital 13.50%
d) Others 13.50%
Pre-Shipment Export Finance** 13.00%
Real Estate Finance
a) Commercial/ Commercial-cum Residential 13.50%
b) Developer 13.50%
Loan to NBFIs 13.50%
Short Term Loan (STL) 13.50%
Loan/Secured Overdraft (SOD) against FDR and other deposit schemes
a) Against FDR of MTB 3.00% above FDR Interest Rate
b) Against other Deposit Schemes of MTB 3.00% above other Deposit Schemes Interest Rate

All other terms and conditions mentioned in BRPD Circular Letter No-10 Dated May 08, 2024 of Bangladesh Bank will also remain valid.

Interest Rates on Lending of SME Products

Effective from May 09, 2024

Product Name /Categories Mid-Rate
(Range ± 1.00%)
Small Business Loan (unsecured) 13.00%
Small Business Loan Plus (Partially secured) 13.00%
MTB Shurokkha (Secured) 13.00%
MTB SME Cash Credit (Hypo) 13.00%
MTB Krishijat (RL & TL) 13.00%
MTB Microfinance (Excluding Agriculture) 13.00%
MTB Microfinance Enterprise Revolving Loan 13.00%
MTB Light Engineering (RL & TL) 13.00%
MTB Green Energy 13.00%
MTB Instant e loan 13.00%
MTB Mousumi 13.00%
MTB Supply Chain Finance 13.00%
MTB Sachal (Term Loan & lease Finance) 13.00%
MTB Commercial Space Finance 13.00%
MTB Abason 13.00%
MTB Uddog 13.00%
MTB Welcome (TL & OD) 13.00% (In case of new entrepreneur refinance, rate will be 7%)
[MTB Ava Term Loan, MTB Ava Term Loan (Medium), MTB Ava Lease Finance, MTB Ava Revolving Demand Loan, MTB Ava One Off Demand Loan, MTB Ava LTR, MTB Ava Overdraft]
13.00% (In case of Women refinance, rate will be 5%)
MTB Ava SOD 3% above interest rate of FDR/Instrument or Management discretion or 13.00%
MTB Factoring 13.00%
MTB Marginal Loan 13.00% as reported under agri. (In case of refinance rate will be 7%)
Agamikaler SME Loan 13.00%
MTB Startup Loan 4.00% at simple rate

Rate will be 7% for Loan under Bangladesh Bank 25000 cr. Pre-finance scheme and refinance scheme of agro-based product processing industries.
MTB SME Products, MTB Bhaggobati, MTB Gunabati, MTB IT Genius, MTB Youth Line, MTB Digoon, MTB SMEF Stimulus loan, CMSME Stimulus Loan, CMSME Stimulus EMI Loan, are not live now.

General Terms and Conditions:
  • Rate shall be applicable as per latest ALCO Rate, if differs with PPG.
  • MTB management can change the rate of interest any time for any scheme/program complying with Bangladesh Bank Circular
  • All other terms and conditions mentioned in BRPD Circular Letter No-10 Dated May 08, 2024 of Bangladesh Bank will also remain valid

Interest Rates on Lending to Agricultural Sector

Effective from May 09, 2024

Product Name /Categories Mid-Rate
(Range ± 1.00%)
MTB Krishi 13.00% (in case of Agri Refinance/ loan to import subsidy rate will be 4%; Refinance under 10/50/100 taka rate will be 7%)
MTB Agri DL 13.00% (in case of Agri Refinance/ loan to import subsidy rate will be 4%; Refinance under 10/50/100 taka rate will be 7%)
MTB Krishi DL 13.00% (in case of Agri Refinance/ loan to import subsidy rate will be 4%; Refinance under 10/50/100 taka rate will be 7%)
MTB Marginal Loan (For Agriculture ) 13.00% (in case of Refinance under 10/50/100 taka rate will be 7%)
MTB Microfinance Agri Revolving Loan 13.00%

Rate shall be applicable as per latest ALCO Rate, if differs with PPG.

  • If any other loan product whatever the name is given for agricultural purpose, the same rate shall be applicable.
  • MTB management can change the rate of interest any time for any scheme/program complying with Bangladesh Bank Circular
  • All other terms and conditions mentioned in BRPD Circular Letter No-10 Dated May 08, 2024 of Bangladesh Bank will also remain valid.

Retail Loans & Advances

Effective from July 07, 2024

Retail Loans Interest Rate
MTB Personal Loan(New/Take Over) Mid-Rate 13% ± 1%
MTB Auto Loan Mid-Rate 12.00 ± 1%
MTB Home Loan(New/Take Over) Mid-Rate 12.00 ± 1%

Credit Card Products with effect from October 11, 2020

Credit Card Products Interest Rate Band
VISA / Mastercard Classic 20%
VISA Gold (Local) 20%
VISA/Mastercard Gold 20%
VISA Platinum / Mastercard Titanium 20%
VISA Signature / Mastercard World 20%

Deposit Scheme Products

MTB Brick by Brick

Effective from November 06, 2024

Monthly Installment (BDT) 1 Years 2 Years 3 Years 5 Years 8 Years 10 Years
Interest Rate Approx. Maturity Value Interest Rate Approx. Maturity Value Interest Rate Approx. Maturity Value Interest Rate Approx. Maturity Value Interest Rate Approx. Maturity Value Interest Rate Approx. Maturity Value
250 10.00% 3,164 10.00% 6,653 10.00% 10,500 10.00% 19,417 9.50% 35,737 9.50% 49,646
500 10.00% 6,329 10.00% 13,307 10.00% 21,000 10.00% 38,834 9.50% 71,475 9.50% 99,293
1000 10.00% 12,658 10.00% 26,615 10.00% 42,001 10.00% 77,668 9.50% 142,951 9.50% 198,587
2000 10.00% 25,317 10.00% 53,230 10.00% 84,003 10.00% 155,336 9.50% 285,902 9.50% 397,175
5000 10.00% 63,293 10.00% 133,075 10.00% 210,009 10.00% 388,342 9.50% 714,756 9.50% 992,939

MTB Education plan

Effective from November 06, 2024

Monthly Installment (BDT) 4 Years 7 Years 9 Years 12 Years
Interest Rate Approx. Maturity
Interest Rate Approx. Maturity
Interest Rate Approx. Maturity
Interest Rate
Approx. Maturity
1000 9.75% 58,661 9.50% 118,774 9.25% 167,405 9.00% 256,701
2000 9.75% 117,322 9.50% 237,548 9.25% 334,810 9.00% 513,402
3000 9.75% 175,983 9.50% 356,323 9.25% 502,215 9.00% 770,103
4000 9.75% 234,644 9.50% 475,097 9.25% 669,621 9.00% 1,026,804
5000 9.75% 293,305 9.50% 593,871 9.25% 837,026 9.00% 1,283,506

MTB Millionaire plan

Effective from November 06, 2024

Year Monthly Payment Half Yearly Interest Rate
4 16,960 10.00%
6 10,256 9.75%
8 6,996 9.50%
10 5,106 9.25%
12 3,896 9.00%
15 2,721 8.75%
20 1,614 8.50%

MTB Double Saver

Effective from November 06, 2024

Tenor Half Yearly Interest Rate
7 Years 3 Months 9.80%

MTB Kotipati

Effective from November 06, 2024

Year Monthly Payment Half Yearly Interest Rate
4 169,590 10.00%
5 128,753 10.00%
6 102,553 9.75%
8 69,955 9.50%
10 51,058 9.25%
12 38,956 9.00%
15 27,209 8.75%
18 19,894 8.50%
20 16,131 8.50%

Children Education Deposit Scheme

Effective from July 07, 2024

Product Name MTB Children Education Deposit Scheme
Product Category Recurring Deposit
Tenor 4 Years
Interest Rate 9.25%

*Interest Rate on MTB Children Education Deposit Scheme is 9.25% (As this product have no specific installment size and installment schedule, there is no specific maturity amount. Interest will be credited on available balance.)

MTB Monthly Benefit Plan

Effective from November 06, 2024

Principal Amount Interest Rate Period Monthly Benefit
(Before Tax)
Monthly Benefit
(After 10% Tax)
Monthly Benefit
(After 15% Tax)
100,000.00 10.25% 1 Year 854.17 768.75 726.04
100,000.00 10.00% 2 Years 833.33 750.00 708.33
100,000.00 10.00% 3 Years 833.33 750.00 708.33

MTB Quarterly Benefit Plan for Retail Customers

Effective from November 06, 2024

Principal Amount Interest Rate Period Quarterly Benefit
(Before Tax)
Quarterly Benefit
(After 10% Tax)
Quarterly Benefit
(After 15% Tax)
100,000.00 10.25% 1 Year 2,562.50 2,306.25 2,178.13
100,000.00 10.00% 2 Years 2,500.00 2,250.00 2,125.00
100,000.00 10.00% 3 Years 2,500.00 2,250.00 2,125.00

MTB Lakhopoti

Effective from July 07, 2024

Months Half Yearly Interest Rate Monthly Payment
12 10.00% 7,900
18 9.25% 5,168
24 9.25% 3,787
36 9.00% 2,418

MTB Angona Fixed Deposit

Effective from September 02, 2024

Particulars Less than 50 Lac 50 Lac to Less than 1 Crore 1 Crore and Above
1 Month 3.50% 4.00% 4.50%
2 Months 4.00% 4.50% 5.00%
3 Months 7.75% 8.00% 8.25%
6 Months 8.00% 8.25% 8.50%
9 Months 8.00% 8.25% 8.50%
1 Year 8.00% 8.25% 8.50%
2 Years 8.00% 8.25% 8.50%
3 Years 8.00% 8.25% 8.50%

Interest Rates on MTB Angona FDR in Days

Effective from September 02, 2024

Particulars Less than 50 Lac 50 Lac to Less than 1 Crore 1 crore above
100- Days 7.75% 8.00% 8.25%
210- Days 8.00% 8.25% 8.50%
365- Days 8.00% 8.25% 8.50%

Effective from September 02, 2024

Particulars Less than 1 Crore 1 crore above
91-Days 8.50% 8.75%
181-Days 8.75% 9.00%
270-Days 8.75% 9.00%
364-Days 8.75% 9.00%

Interest Rates on MTB Angona Flexi FDR

Effective from January 01, 2025

Particulars Less than 50 Lac Above 50 lac
Fund buildup – 7 months 2.25%
3 months 8.00% 8.75%
6 months 8.75% 9.00%
12 months 8.75% 9.00%

MTB Angona DPS

Effective from March 25, 2025

Monthly Installment (BDT) 1 Years 2 Years 3 Years 5 Years 8 Years 10 Years
Half Yearly Rate Maturity Value Half Yearly Rate Maturity Value Half Yearly Rate Maturity Value Half Yearly Rate Maturity Value Half Yearly Rate Maturity Value Half Yearly Rate Maturity Value
250 10.00% 3,164 10.00% 6,653 10.00% 10,500 10.00% 19,417 9.50% 35,737 9.50% 49,646
500 10.00% 6,329 10.00% 13,307 10.00% 21,000 10.00% 38,834 9.50% 71,475 9.50% 99,293
1000 10.00% 12,658 10.00% 26,615 10.00% 42,001 10.00% 77,668 9.50% 142,951 9.50% 198,587
2000 10.00% 25,317 10.00% 53,230 10.00% 84,003 10.00% 155,336 9.50% 285,902 9.50% 397,175
5000 10.00% 63,293 10.00% 133,075 10.00% 210,009 10.00% 388,342 9.50% 714,756 9.50% 992,939

Other Fixed Deposit Products

Effective from April 05, 2021

Fixed Deposit Products Interest Rate
MTB NRB FDR Same as regular FDR

MTB Gift Cheque

Effective from July 26, 2020

As per PPG 3 Months to < 6 Months 6 Months to < 1 Year 1 Year or more
1% 2% 3%