MTB Foundation recently signed an agreement with PFDA – Vocational Training Centre Trust for the project titled ‘Capacity Development of Teachers, Parents, Caregivers and Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders for Adolescent Sexual Reproductive Health (SRH)’. This one of a kind initiative aims at equipping teachers, parents, caregivers, and students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) with essential knowledge and skills on Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH).
The training program will address topics such as understanding boundaries, consent, personal hygiene and social communication challenges that children with ASD experience. In addition, the project will empower parents, teachers and caregivers to identify the need and strength of children with ASD by creating an opportunity for them to work alongside special education experts and therapists which, in turn, will provide an organized support system for the students with special needs. MTB Foundation, through this project, intends to support Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) SDG 3 (Good Health and Well-Being), 4 (Quality Education), 5 (Gender Quality), and 10 (Reduced Inequalities).
The agreement was signed by Samia Chowdhury, Chief Executive Officer, MTB Foundation and Begum Nur Jahan Dipa, Principal, PFDA – VTC in the presence of Syed Mahbubur Rahman, Managing Director & CEO, Rais Uddin Ahmad, Deputy Managing Director & CAMLCO and Shafayat Ullah, Head of Group Legal Affairs Division of Mutual Trust Bank PLC (MTB) at a simple ceremony held at the Bank’s Corporate Head Office, Gulshan 1, Dhaka 1212. Among others, Dr. S.M Asib Nasim, Advisor and Md. Rizwanur Rahman, Operation Manager from PFDA – VTC were also present in the event.