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MTB Foundation signs Agreement with UCEP Bangladesh to support the ‘Expanded Education Opportunity for Underprivileged Children in Bangladesh (EDUCIB)’ Model

MTB Foundation has recently signed an agreement with UCEP Bangladesh to support the implementation of ‘Expanded Education Opportunity for Underprivileged Children in Bangladesh (EDUCIB)’ model in one of UCEP’s Technical Schools, UCEP-MTB Foundation Johara Samad Technical School located in Khulna.

Md. Abdul Karim, Executive Director, UCEP Bangladesh and Samia Chowdhury, Chief Executive Officer (Acting), MTB Foundation signed the agreement on behalf of their respective organizations in the presence of Syed Mahbubur Rahman, Managing Director and CEO, Chowdhury Akhtar Asif, Additional Managing Director & GCRO and Rais Uddin Ahmad, Deputy Managing Director & CAMLCO, Mutual Trust Bank Ltd. (MTB). Didarul Anam Chowdhury, Director, Programme & Innovations, Md. Iqbal Hossain, Director, People & Operations, Nazmun Nahar, Director, Finance & Compliance, Md. Abdullah Al Mamun, Deputy Director, Programme & Innovations and Md. Shahariar Alam, Deputy Director, Resource Mobilization, UCEP Bangladesh along with the other officials from both of the organizations were also present at the ceremony.

Md. Abdul Karim, Executive Director, UCEP Bangladesh mentioned that UCEP Bangladesh provides technical and life skills education support to the underprivileged children and youth to better equip them as global citizens for the 21st century with resilience to address the changing demand. This EDUCIB Model has been adopted by UCEP based on the Government’s priority agenda on technical education. UCEP expresses sincere gratitude to MTB Foundation for their support and trust on the initiative.

Samia Chowdhury, Chief Executive Officer (Acting), MTB Foundation said, “Education for the underprivileged has always been a priority sector for MTB Foundation. Through this significant partnership with UCEP, MTB Foundation aims to provide general and technical education to 250 students from grades VI to X of the UCEP-MTB Foundation Johara Samad Technical School. We are hopeful that this affiliation will result in a decrease in the number of students dropping out.”

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