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The 17th Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) of Mutual Trust Bank Limited (MTB)

The 17th Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) of Mutual Trust Bank Limited (MTB) was held on December 10, 2020 through digital platform. MTB Chairman, Md. Hedayetullah, presided over the meeting. MTB Vice Chairman, Khwaja Nargis Hossain, MTB Directors, Syed Manzur Elahi (Founding Chairman), Dr. Arif Dowla, M. A. Rouf, JP, Md. Wakiluddin, Md. Abdul Malek, Anika Chowdhury, Daniel de Lange, Tarik Ur Rahman, Independent Director, Nasreen Sattar, Managing Director & CEO, Syed Mahbubur Rahman, Group Company Secretary, Malik Muntasir Reza and a large number of shareholders also attended the meeting. Chowdhury Asif joined the meeting on behalf of Rashed Ahmed Chowdhury, Director. In the meeting, the shareholders unanimously approved the proposal for issuance of unsecured, contingent-convertible, BASEL III compliant, perpetual bond (PB) of BDT 4,000 million as part of Additional Tier I regulatory Capital of the bank.

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