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Nibedita Is a Comprehensive Insurance policy for Women



  • Age limit is 14-75 years
  • Premium start from 55/-
  • Sum insured 50,000/- to 2, 00,000/-
  • Coverage is given in case of certain events such as accidental Death, Disability / Accidental death due to insect bites, snakes and animal bites, Death during child birth or during caesarean operation at the time of child birth, Death injury due to riot and strike, civil commotion
  • Special Coverage is given for Trauma Allowance in case of Rape, Road bully, robbery, acid victim (maximum BDT 12,500)

Required Documents:

  • Proposal From Duly Filled-in and signed by The Insured
  • Copy of NID.

Nibedita Regular


  • Age Limit 14-75 years
  • Premium start from 595/-
  • Sum insured 1, 00,000/- to 10,00,000/-
  • Coverage is provided in case of Accidental Death, Disability / Accidental death due to insect bites, snakes and animal bites, Death during child birth or during caesarean operation at the time of child birth, Death injury due to riot and strike, civil commotion
  • Special Coverage is provided for Trauma Allowance in case of Rape, Road bully, robbery, acid victim (maximum BDT 25,000), Loss or damage to household goods/personal effects due to fire/lightening, riots, storm, typhoon, flood, cyclone and earthquake (25% of the sum insured)

Required Documents:

  • Proposal From Duly Filled-in and signed by The Insured
  • Copy of NID.

Nibedita Plus


  • Age Limit 14-75 years
  • Premium start from 10,485/-
  • Sum insured 5, 00,000/- to 50,00,000/-
  • Coverage is provided in case of Accidental Death, Disability / Accidental death due to insect bites, snakes and animal bites, Death during child birth or during caesarean operation at the time of child birth, Death injury due to riot and strike, civil commotion.

Special Coverage

  • Trauma Allowance in case of Rape, Road bully,
    Robbery, acid victim (maximum BDT 25,000)
  • Loss or damage to household goods/personal effects due to fire/lightening, riots, storm, typhoon, flood, cyclone and earthquake (25% of the sum insured)
  • Global Emergency Medical Evacuation
  • Second Medical Opinion
  • Health Insurance (BDT 1, 00,000)

Required Documents:

  • Proposal From Duly Filled-in and signed by The Insured
  • Copy of NID

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