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Now, you can easily avail secured loan against your FDR or DPS under MTB Cash Line. You can avail this loan to serve your emergency requirement without en-cashing your FDR/ DPS.
This Cash Line product is comprised of two windows:

  • MTB Cash Line Overdraft (revolving) is a fully secured and revolving facility for any legitimate purpose. The security for the loan should be ideally MTB FDR/ MTB Deposit Schemes/ FD Schemes. Bank may finance against clients WEDB issued by MTB or FDR issued by other banks/NBFIs.
  • MTB Cash Line Term Loan is a fully secured and terminating (EMI Based) loan facility for any legitimate purpose. The security for the loan should be ideally MTB FDR/ MTB Deposit Schemes/ FD Schemes. Bank may finance against clients WEDB issued by MTB or FDR issued by other banks/NBFIs.

Key Product Features

Target Customer Any credit worthy individuals willing to take term loan/overdraft facility against financial obligations
Loan Amount Minimum: BDT 50,000/-.

  1. Against FDR: 90% of face value
  2. Against Monthly Benefit Plan (only with MTB): Maximum 80% of the face value
  3. Against other deposit products (only with MTB): Maximum 90% of the deposit amount
Loan Tenor
  • Cash Line (Term Loan) – Minimum : 12 months to Maximum: 60 months
  • Cash Line (OD) – 1 (one) year. Subject to renewal.
Age of the Borrower No Age Bar
Length of Service/Business/
Professional Experience
Not Required
Minimum Income No Income Assessment Required

MTB Cash Line
Web Form

Dear Customer

Greetings from Mutual Trust Bank (MTB)
Now any MTB individual customer can apply for MTB Cash Line loan while staying at their home. In this loan user, you can avail up to 90% of the deposited amount in your FD or DPS account as a loan. Just simply fill up the form following and enjoy this loan offer at your convenience. Once you have applied, our bank officials will contact you and will let you know about the further steps.

In MTB Cash Line loan, you can avail two types of loan facility:

  • MTB Cash Line (OD) – It is fully secured revolving loan facility subject to renewal after 01 (one) year. You will enjoy your approved OD facility against your deposit scheme product (FD/DPS/Others) with MTB.
  • MTB Cash Line (Term Loan) – It is a fully secured terminating (EMI Based) loan facility for any legitimate purpose. You will enjoy your term loan facility against your deposit scheme product (FD/DPS/Others) with MTB.

Using the application form in the next page, apply for the type of loan you feel suitable for you. If you have any queries, please call MTB Helpline 16219.

Give the following info to start your MTB Cash Line online application:



    MaleFemaleThird Gender



    • I/we hereby acknowledge that all the information given by me/us in this application are true, complete and I/we hereby authorize the Bank and third parties, including my bankers, to exchange information for the purpose of processing my/our application and the conduct of my/our accounts with the Bank so long as I/we remain the customer of the Bank.

    • I/we acknowledge that the facility requested by me/us in this application against the above security will be made available to me/us at the absolute discretion of the Bank and this application doesn’t confirm the approval of loan.

    • I/we hereby also declare, confirm and undertake that I/we have not defaulted on any loans in the past or present, neither is my/our name in the defaulter list of Bangladesh Bank. I/we also declare that I/we are not currently holding directorship of any banking or financial institutions.

    • I/we hereby authorize MTB to seek information on the individual bank liabilities. I am fully aware regarding CIB charges and unconditionally authorize the bank to realize the relevant CIB charges including Govt. applicable VAT/Taxes debiting my approved loan.

    • All costs and expenses incurred in relation to the credit facility shall be on my/our account and l/we shall indemnify the Bank against and for all claims, demands, actions, suits, proceedings, costs, expenses, fee, and damage in relation to the loan including legal fees and expenses.