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MTB Krishijat is a customized loan product for all kinds of agro-based and agro processing industries, which falls under micro, cottage, small & medium enterprises and other special organizations engaged in the field.

Product category

Depending upon the requirement of business, loan may be extended in the form of Term Loan (TL) and Revolving Loan (RL) under the name & style as below.

  1. MTB Krishijat (TL)
  2. MTB Krishijat (RL)


  • Loan amount up to BDT 15 crore
  • Loan tenure for term category loan up to 5 years & for revolving category loan One year to be fixed by the bank at the time of approval.
  • For term loan up to BDT 5 lac is collateral free & for any amount of revolving loan, collateral security is mandatory
  • Grace period is applicable only for Term Category of Loan (TL)


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