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We offer wide range of financing methods using our extensive local and global network to support your success. From illustrating your business plan to outlining transaction structures, identifying financing options and cooperating with all stakeholders, we will deliver you a comprehensive financing solution that will encircle your whole scope of requirements.

Services We Bring for You:

  • Local & Foreign Loan Syndication

  • Access to Special Funds from Multilaterals/ DFIs

  • ECA Guarantee backed Financing

  • Infrastructure Project Financing through IPFF, Bangladesh Bank

  • Bangladesh Bank Enlisted PFI -FSSP, SREUP, UBSP, GTF, FDIPP

  • Alternative Financial Solutions – Bond, Preference share, Commercial Paper

  • Equity Financing, Securitization & Agency Functions

  • R&D and Corporate Advisory Services

MTB is a vibrant and one of the front-running members in the Syndication and Structured Finance segment with an exceptionally professional and solely dedicated team to- 

  • Assess feasibility of your project
  • Identify long-term business potential of your project
  • Raise required funds using widespread business network
  • Maintain ceaseless relationship with all stakeholders
Global business dynamics are constantly changing and so are your requirements. We thoroughly understand that your finance requirements may range from USD fund arrangements to ECA backed financing. Keeping that in mind, we have appropriately decorated ourselves to –

  • Arrange your USD fund requirements from multilaterals like ADB, DEG, Norfund etc.
  • Ensure the most low-cost USD funds like ECA financing that best fits your requirements
  • Arrange long-term and direct USD funds at LIBOR/EURIBOR based fixed/floating rates
  • Facilitate the process of getting regulatory approvals to smoothen your business flow
MTB always appreciates your financing requirements and deploys best endeavor to remain one step ahead to meet your necessities. Getting approvals in the fast-track round from Bangladesh Bank in several On-Lending Financing Schemes substantiates our effort. We are delighted to give access to our esteemed customers to financing facilities from Bangladesh Bank –

  • Investment Promotion and Financing Facility II (IPFF – II)
  • Financial Sector Support Project (FSSP)
  • Green Transformation Fund (GTF)
  • Urban Building Safety Project (UBSP)
  • Foreign Direct Investment Promotion Project (FDIPP)
It happens sometimes that you need finance but you are in constraint of time or traditional available options. Don’t worry, you can always visit us to get finance from external sources other than bank or stock. We arrange your required fund using some exotic financing options like-

  • Commercial Paper
  • Preference Share
  • Corporate Bond
  • Club Financing
Our dynamic and professional team offers you variety of Agency and Trust services with insightful understandings and skills in providing services like managing funds, keeping your documents in order or responding to regulatory requirements. MTB safeguards your requirements of raising funds, completion of documentation and account maintenance by offering following services:

  • Facility Agent
  • Security Agent
  • Inter-creditor Agent
  • Account Bank
  • Trustee
Together with its partner Mutual Trust Bank, DEG is offering a new service for German SMEs and their local partners in Bangladesh. The German Desk puts the needs of German companies and their local partners into focus. The German Desk Relationship Manager is a contact person with profound knowledge of both cultures and language proficiency in English and Bengali. The German Desk enables companies to gain access to financial support and solutions via point of contact that combines all the products and services offered by Mutual Trust Bank with the network and support of DEG. The range of services extends from setting up a bank account through trade finance products and transaction banking, to credit lines or investment financing for local companies wishing to acquire German equipment. In this way, companies will also be assisted in the process of preparing foreign direct investments in Bangladesh and can benefit from the combined network of Mutual Trust Bank and DEG.


  • Offers trade finance and long-term investment solutions
  • Bridge for cultural and financial gaps by anchoring in a strong network
  • Develop financial solutions for Bangladeshi buyers of German equipment
  • Establish business relation relationship between Bangladesh and German companies
  • Provide direct access to German business community